Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Four Days Of DEATH
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
John 11 is the stirring account of our Lord Jesus raising his dear friend Lazarus from the dead, and it is pregnant with principles for our spiritual walk with the Lord. This record also contains one of the clearest sections in Scripture explaining the “sleep” metaphor God uses to take the edge off the horror of death.
Why “four days”? Tune in and find out. And here’s another burning question we will answer: Does God & Son, Inc. Auto Sales sell defective cars so they can then show off the quality of the Service Department?
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
The Trinity: Trick or Treat?
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
From the title of this teaching, you might suppose, “John is preaching to the choir.” But of course choir members still need reinforcement of their core beliefs, especially regarding an issue as critical as who is Jesus and what is his relationship to God. And John will take a little different tack to emphasize how this confusing, convoluted notion dilutes the quality of one’s relationship with both God and Christ.
If you were God, would you make the most important truth in Christianity non-existent in Scripture? Would you leave out all the “key” terminology on which the doctrine is built? Would you make the “cornerstone” of the Christian faith so vague that no one would purport to either understand or explain it? So if there is no such thing in the Bible, why do most Christians believe in the Trinity?
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Only You Can Prevent A Forest Fire—Or Start One
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
God chose WORDS as the means of communication between Him and us, and between us and us. Logically, mastering their use is critical—and perhaps the key to avoiding sin. There are countless verses in His Word about the power of the tongue—for either good or bad. The tongue is a lethal weapon—the easiest way to sin. At least 25 negative adjectives are used in the Word regarding the tongue, lips, speech.
Administrationally speaking, we are currently living in “Word War 5.” Adam lost “Word War 1,” using his God-given mouth to shift the blame for his sin. It is significant that some time after that God had to intervene and scatter people’s languages so they could no longer collaborate against Him, at least for a while.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Two Roads To Glory
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
As you know, belief in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to everlasting life (John 14:6). But did you know that in one sense, he is a divided highway, and both roads lead to glory? Are you aware that the vast majority of Christians are being taught that most everything Jesus said is pertinent to us Christians today? Almost none of them recognize the biblical truth that God and Christ currently have two programs now showing, although the one that came on the air first is now temporarily held in abeyance until the next stage in the second program is completed.
Knowing what parts of the Bible are written TO WHOM is perhaps the most important principle there is in Scripture. We must understand which parts are TO ISRAEL—past, present, future, and what parts are TO CHRISTIANS—present and future, or the Bible will not make sense. This is one reason why Satan so vigorously attacks the Truth about the Secret of The One Body. If one misses this vital truth, many other indispensable biblical truths fall like dominoes.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Freedom of Speech
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Today in the USA we hear plenty of rhetoric about “free speech,” which is supposed to be what sets us apart from other supposedly more repressive countries. The free expression of thought was one of the main reasons the Pilgrims left England and came here.
As soon as God made it clear that He would use WORDS as the source of communication and connection, the Devil realized that he first needed to stop people from ever hearing God’s Word. His second ploy would be to get teachers to twist it beyond recognition. Has he been successful? OMG! Of course, if truth and facts are on your side, you need not obfuscate. For us, we simply lay it out for people, and those who desire Truth will receive it.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
How To Take Care of Yourself
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
I’m trying to pay attention to people’s first impressions on me, and mine on them (e.g., doc and nurse)! At the bottom line, it is about BEING like Jesus, and then DOING the works he did. Understanding that makes it clear that our biggest enemy is SELF. Yes, because if I am going to speak and act like Jesus, I must first THINK like he did Think about those people you meet who give off something attractive, and who, for some reason, you immediately like—and feel comfortable around. It is our doing the work between our ears that draws “good” people to us (2 Cor. 2:24-17).
Stick to the simplicity of Christ. The Devil studies you and me so as to learn how to defeat us. We are not “ignorant of his devices." He plans his specific attacks on us based upon his assessment of our strengths and weaknesses, and our circumstances.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
What Does The Word “Church” Really Mean?
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
In today’s culture, the word “church” does not have a positive connotation for many people. Rather than it bringing to mind a vibrant group of people, unified in their beliefs and striving to be like the Lord Jesus Christ whom they love and follow, most people think of a building for public worship.
One problem is that most Christians do not distinguish between the different “churches/assemblies” set forth in Scripture. For example, Matthew 16:18 (“I will build my CHURCH”) and Revelation 1:4 (“John, to the seven CHURCHES which are in Asia”) do NOT refer to that body of believers that came into existence in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:47 = ”the Lord added to the CHURCH daily.”)
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
We Uncover So God Can Cover
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
About 2000 years ago today, a relative handful of Christ’s followers, those aware of his Resurrection, were still in ecstatic shock as they pondered this earthshaking event and what it meant to them. Let us remember that Jesus came to solve man’s two-fold problem of SIN and DEATH, and to regain the Paradise that the first Adam had squandered. The sin that dwells within me is my basic problem, and in this teaching I want to bare my soul to you regarding one element of that problem. It may be that you can in some way identify with my challenge.
Perhaps you’ve heard the admonition, “Get naked before the Lord.” Easier said than done, as Adam showed us after he had become dominated by a sinful nature and went into the clothing business. Like our sinful predecessor, my strong tendency is to shift the blame and hide my sins from people, and (unconsciously) from God, which is ridiculous. The key: how to work with the Lord to get to the ROOT of the sin and annihilate it within me.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Faith Revisited
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Obviously the question, “Why didn’t God answer my prayer?” is one that virtually every Christian has asked at some point. We may not always be able to answer that question, but God’s Word gives us a framework for understanding certain vital truths that will help us maintain our faith/trust in Him. Perhaps the main takeaway point of this teaching is that we never abandon what we understand from the Word in the face of what we do not understand experientially.
Someone recently sent me an interview by a radio host with a very upbeat woman in her mid/late 30s who is, by all reports, dying of “incurable” colon cancer. She teaches at Duke Divinity School, and has a young son whom she can’t bear to leave. She is doing immunotherapy in order to prolong her life a little more each time. She wrote a book titled Everything Happens for a Reason, and Other Lies I’ve Loved. That’s an inviting title, and a rare one. Then she mentioned other lies people have said to her during her illness: God is writing a better story; Heaven is your true home; God needs another angel. Unfortunately, she substitutes other non-biblical ideas in their place.
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
The Fab Five Keys to Your Spiritual Growth
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
In One Day With The Creator, Segment 22 (Parts 1-3) is titled Spiritual Growth: The Five Basics. According to God’s Word, those five basic habits each believer should build into his life are: prayer, reading/studying the Word, fellowship with other brethren, sharing your faith, material/financial giving.
Why does God want us excelling in these things? Because together they help us KNOW HIM and His Son—and that is the bottom line of life. The more we know them, the more we love them. The more we love them, the more we selflessly serve them. The more we serve them, the more fulfilled we are.
Interestingly, one particular Greek word ties together all these essential habits. That word is prothumos, meaning “forwardness of mind, readiness of mind, willing mind, predisposition, inclination, alacrity of mind.” Achieving this type of attitude requires effort, so that, in the face of everything from a crushed button on your shirtsleeve to a horrible tragedy, your first thought is, “I can’t wait to see how God will work for me in this situation!”
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
The Cradle That Rocked The World
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
So, Happy New Year! Are you ready to “go another round” with our formidable foe. I’m talking about him whom the Word calls “the evil/wicked one,” as in 1 John 5:19: “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” That’s why the world is in the shape it’s in, and why the Christian Church is preaching centuries-old wrong doctrine about so many critical topics. The good news is that Jesus, your trainer, is in your corner. Therefore, we should desire to maximize our fighting ability, so that we don’t get to the Bema and say, “I coulda been a contender.”
Despite the joy of hearing Jesus proclaimed during the Christmas season, we had to endure countless references to the so-called “Incarnation,” a euphemistic way of saying that GOD became a BABY, which is clearly ludicrous. The fallacy of the Incarnation obscures the glorious truth of the virgin birth and that of The Human Baby in the cradle that rocked the world. Were there more accurate teaching about The Baby in that cradle in the manger, it would rock the world all the more. Why does the Word call this teaching “anti-Christ”?
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Pregnant With Promise
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
“In the beginning, God…” was alone. What His Word says that He did thereafter clearly indicates His passion for someone to love and collaborate with forever in the grand scheme of Paradise (“Garden of Delights”). This scintillating overview of what God has done so far, from creating and consulting with His Divine Council about how to renovate the original earth, all the way to creating the New Heaven and Earth, highlights the birth of His Son as the centerpiece of His relentless quest to overcome all opposition and bring to pass His original vision.
Despite rampant wrong teaching to the contrary, God decided to give us genuine free will, for love is not love unless we have a choice not to love. In so doing, He limited His control over planetary events so as to work within the framework of our choices. In Scripture, our Father bares His heart about His hopes and heartaches, His anticipation and disappointments, and He shows us His dynamic reciprocal relationship with Jesus during his earthly ministry.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
See You At The Rock!
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Now there’s a phrase very familiar to many dear brethren, and one that always elicited great anticipation and excitement, vividly bringing to mind hot Bible, sweet fellowship with priceless saints from around the world, and great music. Sad to say, that “Rock” was shattered long ago, but that mantra is still applicable, and now should be even more meaningful to us than when we chanted it “back in the day.”
The true “Rock” is Jesus Christ, whom God raised from the dead and exalted as Lord and Head of the Ekklesia, his Body. If you have made him your Lord, you don’t just have a piece of the Rock, you are a piece of the Rock!
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
The Cure For Racism/What is “Hate Speech”?
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Because the Devil exists, and because he is who the Word says he is and does what the Word says he does, there most certainly is an ongoing 6000-year “conspiracy,” and the “persons” involved are willing pawns of God’s Adversary, who have fully committed themselves to carry out his malicious machinations. Their goal is control. In contrast, our goal is to set people free by giving them a knowledge of God’s truth.
Here in the good old USA, we have a relatively small number of people making a lot of noise protesting one thing or another. The goal of the forces of evil behind the scenes is to create as much division as possible by getting people to segregate themselves into “victimized” groups, characterized by an ersatz form of “community.”
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
“Just Like A Tree That’s Planted By The Waters”
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
The above title may have prompted you to sing the next line in the old song, “I shall not be moved.” In this teaching we will look at what it means to persevere in our Christian walk, that is, simply to keep going, even if our pace varies. Like the seed that landed on good soil, you can be one “who, after hearing the Word, clings to it with an honest and good heart, and bears fruit with steadfast endurance.”
To do so, we must sink our spiritual roots deep enough to tap into God’s energy. Fruitful perseverance requires us to establish and maintain godly priorities. There are many battles we can fight, and we must choose wisely where we expend our energy.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
God & Son, Inc.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
God & Son, Inc is about the relationship between God and His Son, from the time that Jesus was an eventuality in God’s foresight, through each day of his life on earth, and until the Lord takes his seat on the final throne. It is in the life of Jesus that we most vividly see the “human potential” that we also have. We will examine the unique, fourfold structure of each of the four Gospels, and debunk some prevalent myths about modern day “Israel." And we will be enlightened by how God encouraged His precious Son step by step, all the way through the agony of the Cross. The intimate relationship that God and His Son developed and enjoyed is what sustained Jesus all the way to his last breath in the first of the three bodies God gave him. Now, our Father and our Lord will encourage us moment by moment as we walk in his steps.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
What The Hell Is Heaven?
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Remember that our Enemy, the Devil, focuses on distorting and contradicting the greatest of God’s truths, and that his very first lie (Gen. 3:4) was that there is no such thing as “death,” as that word is defined in every language on earth: “the end of life.”
Nearly all Christians, and even many non-Christians, believe that when someone dies, he goes directly to either “Heaven” or “Hell”—and stays there forever. No wonder we hear about “the living dead.” Those concepts so deeply permeate our culture that one hears them propounded nearly every day.
In this precise review of critical biblical truth, we look at the theological origins of each of the fallacious notions of “Heaven” and “Hell,” and contrast those to what God actually says in His Word. Be sure you understand these truths so that your True Hope is not distorted or diminished by Satan’s lies.
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
The Book of Acts: “Jesus, and the Resurrection”
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
A recent Gallup poll showed that we live in a post-Christian society. Apparently, most people don’t think that Christianity is relevant to their lives. That is not surprising, given the many confusing notions that now pass for Christian doctrine. Christianity is supposed to be a vital relationship between Christ and you, but too much of it has been turned into a religious system, a bland philosophy, a collection of fables that make no sense.
But what if people could find a true hero, and one who loves them? What if they could find a genuine leader whom they could follow passionately? What about a BEST FRIEND? What about someone who is all of that and more—and who conquered DEATH? And what if that formerly dead man promised victory over man’s mortal enemy and glorious everlasting life to anyone who simply chooses to follow him? Let’s go to the Book of Acts for brief excerpts from 19 chapters and see if that is not what we find as being “The Good News.”
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
What Has God Left You in His Will?
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Jesus Christ is God’s “Last Will and Testament.” By the death of the Testator, all the promises of God have been bequeathed to you and me—including healing.
Fear is believing the word of the enemy. Faith (trust) is expecting God to do what He we know is His will. Stepping out in faith is walking on the foundations of the universe. By our obedience to His Word, we can prove that God’s promises are true.
God is diligently searching for anyone who will believe Him so that He can give to us and do for us so that we can make Him known. His time is always NOW. When it comes to the promises of God, as expressed in the person of Jesus Christ, THERE IS NO REASON WHY NOT!!!
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
A Triumphant Triology
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Genesis 3:15 is the first mention of Jesus Christ in the Word of God, and it sets forth the two basic aspects of his life and ministry: SUFFERING and GLORY. “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring [seed] and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” In the Hebrew Scriptures, the Glory is sometimes mentioned without the Suffering, but never is the Suffering mentioned without the Glory. The heart of this teaching is a verse-by-verse exposition of Psalm 22 (The Good Shepherd on earth, in death), Psalm 23 (The Great Shepherd, in heaven by Resurrection), and Psalm 24 (The Chief Shepherd, coming in his glory to earth). Join us as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Psalm 22 magnificently sets forth the Messiah’s prayer and plea from the Cross as he for the last time reached out to Israel, with his dying breaths. He quoted the first and last words of this psalm, which was known by all Jews, and which vividly proclaims exactly what was happening before their eyes that terrible day. This is the psalm most often quoted in the Greek Scriptures.